“I feel closer to God here.” – My Stepmom about living in Oregon
So I moved to Oregon for five months. I have never been to a place that is more peaceful and serene. My stepmom once said to me, “I feel closer to God here” and I have to agree with her.

There is just something about these mountains and this landscape that is breathtaking. There is an energy that just vibrates through you the closer you are to these hauntingly beautiful mountains, it is hard to explain… it’s magical.
Those five months in Oregon, while they weren’t great for my relationship, they were exactly what my soul needed. Like I said in the last post those 8 months I was in Idaho it was like things just couldn’t get going. Part of that is because I was still tied to California for my event planning business and part was because I felt like I was at another crossroads. I had done it, made the dream happen, all on my own, but when my events were over what was I going to do then? I was in a sort of limbo.
In Oregon there was also the possibility to make another dream of mine come true, which I felt I needed to explore. So when the universe stepped in, I jumped again and probably more blindly than ever. In fact I don’t think I have ever thought less about a decision in my life. But if I’ve learned anything over these last few years it’s to trust that the universe has your back and when you feel the nudge, act.
So I took another leap. I spent those five months in one of the most beautiful places, helped a friend with her shop, worked on a business plan and was more alone then I have ever been. This part of Oregon is very rural, so not many people live there (so where do you meet anyone), not many were visiting (not tourist season), and I wasn’t going anywhere I didn’t have to because there’s more snow then I had ever seen outside. But you know what, it was amazing and exactly what my soul needed to refocus and get out of that limbo state.
What I found was that there was a need for my business and a perfect location for my concept was available. I went to look at the space with our realtor, but I couldn’t decide if I wanted to take the risk, if I wanted to commit every waking moment to this dream for the foreseeable future and did I want to take a risk and take out a loan of that size.
Well you guessed it, the universe stepped in again… in that someone else bought the building. I would be lying to you if I told you that I’m okay with this reality lol I have accepted it but part of me is very sad. But what these last few years have really taught me is that everything happens for a reason and the universe has a better plan for you then you have for yourself. All you can do is follow the nudges she gives you. So for reasons that are bigger than me this plan was not supposed to happen or at least not right now.
Now what… so, I decided to move back to Northern Idaho. I do believe I will end up back in Oregon at some point but in this season of my life I need a little more and Northern Idaho really offers the best of both worlds. It offers all that a city has to offer and the best of recreation.
So for the first time in many years I moved back into my own apartment.
Welcome to the new Wildcraft Cottage.
It has been a bit of an adjustment again, but more than anything I realized I have a lot of things but not a lot of furniture to put all the things in because you don’t need furniture when you live in a tiny home. So we have definitely had to do some thrifting, which I’m not unhappy about.
More than anything, while it isn’t esthetically everything I hoped it would be, it still is all mine. Sometimes I sit here and I can’t believe it. I am SO grateful. I make this happen every day, all on my own. I am very aware that things won’t always be this way and not many can say that either. I am proud of myself and I am so blessed.

And that’s where we are finally. I am so excited to be back. As always, I am so happy you are here and have stuck with me through all of this.